So I work in an environmental microbiology lab where we research bacteria interactions in the salt marsh. Over the last couple of months, I've been working on a protocol, trying to get it to work. I have finally succeed in that endeavor, and so now it is time for a trip to the coast. However, I have not been able to get to the coast due to scheduling, start of fall semester, TAing, and of course weather incidents. I have also been depressed, but finally came out of that.
At lab meeting last week, my advisor told me to look for a certain event to occur and plan my trip around that event. Well, I've just been in contact with someone at the coast and they informed me that the event has occurred over 3 weeks ago. So now, once again, I'm stressed. I want to talk with my advisor about the possibility of a new project (something that I can possibly do in lab with samples already collected), or even the possibility of dropping my phd status and becoming a master's student. I'm looking to see how to word the email or even talk to him about moving on to a new project. Any advice?:-(