It's been a very long road, and I finally submitted at the end of January. So the viva's tomorrow.
The pressure is melting already. I'm proud of my thesis. It's done a few good things for this world, and isn't too boring a read. So even if I have to tweak it, that's OK.
I began way back in 2007... With a false start, a couple of years out and some bumps in the road. But the PhD has dominated my life, even though I'm a part-time student. At first it was joyous, it's been easy to forget that lately. The last six months have been so tough.
So to all you long-haulers out there, keep the faith! You'll get through it, just keep hanging on... No matter what.
Thank you to everyone here, and to those who run this forum. As a distance learner it has often been the closest to a PhD community I've had, and that is precious.