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I PASSED!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


======= Date Modified 12 Jun 2011 23:32:51 =======

Just thought I would pass on the good news.......... (I've edited this post after clearing up a few misunderstandings on viva outcomes)

After a very long wait (I submitted in September 2010) I'm pleased to announce that I got through my PhD viva with a resubmission. In my head, I'm defining this as a pass because I was not failed outright or failed with an MPhil referral. My examiners were extremely positive about my thesis (very unexpected as I thought I failed!) and they've recommended I convert my thesis chapters into 5-6 (or more) journal publications, so all in all, not a total disaster.

Apologies folks. Not quite Dr Pineapple yet- I've got to tackle my thesis and resubmit.

Thanks for the support everyone :-)



Yay! Well done. Now celebrate! 8-)


Pineapple, that's absolutely awesome news, you must be ecstatic! You've been an inspiration on this forum with your guts and determination and I'm so glad things have gone your way- you absolutely deserve it! Hope you celebrate for a very long time! CONGRATULATIONS DR PINEAPPLE!!! KB


Brilliant!!! Really chuffed for you. Enjoy your well deserved celebrations!8-)

Congratulations Pineapple!!! So pleased it's all worked out for you 8-) You are an inspiration!

When you've finished celebrating and if you don't mind - I'd love to hear about the Viva

Well done!!!


WOW....what a great news Pineapple29 !! I was continuously checking the thread to hear from you....CONGRATULATIONS !!!


Yay!!!!!! Hats off to you!

EEEEEK! Congrats! So pleased for you :-)


Well Done!


I TOLD you that you would! So happy for you! I knew you'd knock 'em dead in the aisles! But I've been on the edge of my seat, all day waiting for that news.......BRILLIANT!!!!!


Good show Pineapple!

Well done, congratulations and celebrations!



Well done Dr Pineapple, I have been awaiting your news all afternoon! I am so pleased you have had such a good result after everything you have had to endure including such negativity from your sups. Go and enjoy some much deserved celebrations and when you get back down to normality I would love to hear all about it.


Yay, congratulations Dr Pineapple, a pass with bells on (up); am delighted for you and will take inspiration from your determination


Yay Dr Pineapple! (up)


Congrats Dr Pineapple :-)
Like many others I was checking the site all day to hear from you! So happy for you esp. after all that you were through. There is nothing as bad as being in limbo and not having a date and then the very recent negativity from your sups. Like many have said you're an inspiration. You're obviously very driven and great news about them suggesting you convert some chapters for journal articles. That is fantastic. Have some well deserved bubbly (up)