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If you are doing a PhD at Cambridge


Do any of the Cambridge PhD students have a 2.1? I would like to study here but I only have a high 2.1 and current MSc. Their entry requirment says 2.1 or above but that could be just what they say?


Most places usually say 2:1 or above for entry to PhD. I'm sure you will be fine, especially if you also have an MSc.


Where did you do/are you doing your degrees?


These forums are so amazing everyone replies so damn fast.are your phds that boring? Lol just kidding.

I'm did BSc Neuroscience at Leeds, a really crap course with crap teaching and marking. Now I'm doing an MSc in Clinical Neuroscience at UCL Institute of Neurology. Will Cambridge be impressed by this? The MSc is competitive to get into, and the research group I'm working with for my project is exceptionall competitve too.


Umm...did you graduate in 2006? I think I might know you


Sounds like you stand a good chance, go for it: UCL is 4th or 5th in the country. I did my B.Sc. at Imperial and got a 2:1. I'm now at Cambridge doing a PhD and I didn't do a masters. I didn't have any experience either (i.e. summer placements), just the degree.

you've got to be in it to win it..


i was offered a PhD with a high 2.1 and no masters..


Yep, any supplementary experience is going to show you're motivated and interested in the topic, as well as having fantastic grades.


Hi Roopa,
My boyfriend got offered a PhD at Cambridge with a 2:1 and no masters. I don't think Cambridge is different to any other uni in that they would want the person who is right for the project, rather than someone with a first and a bad attitude.
Good luck!


Claudia!! How are you?? Hows he PhD in Leeds?


Yeah I might go for it. Worth a shot, there are a few I have my eye on. What are the interviews like? Do you reccommend applying to other universities also?




I'm great thanks - how are you getting on with the MSc? PhD is going great, really enjoying it

I'm a bit surprised you think the course was crap though.... I never found it that bad! Why did you think it was so bad?


Heya, I thought you would ask.. I thought it was ok at the time, but now being in UCL.....making a comparison is easy! I'm studying in the nations centre for neurology so the researchers here, and the doctors are top notch. And there is an amazing amount of help that is also somehow not spoonfed either, and there are loads of grad courses for developing skills.

Spose I'm still bitter about getting 2.1 in my proj lol! Hm.

Did you happen to watch 'the brain hospital' on BBC 1 a few weeks back? Thats where I study! Its famous!

Lol anyway. How is the lab work? Who are your supervisors?


I got PhD place in Cambridge AND scholarship with 2.1. Mys sister got a PhD place in Cambridge with 2.1 . I had a master from cambridge but she came straight from BSc from a foreign country. So, no problems, as they say, they are more interested in an interesing 2.1 than in boring first. It means, if you can persuade them that they really will benefit from you being there, that working with you will be fun, doesnt matter that you are not brilliant.


I think interviews differ depending on what department you are applying to, and if it is a straightforward PhD or a Wellcome 4 year programme (this is going by his experience not mine as mine are in a few weeks time!). From what I recall he had one interview with his supervisor (more specific questions) and one with a panel of 4 academics from the department (more general 'do you love science?' style questions). Just remember that you are interviewing them as well- is the project feasible in 3 years? Is there a post-doc in the group who can help you learn techniques? Does the grant have funding for the next 3-4 years (or you could be left as a floating PhD student) etc etc. I think my boyfriend was just so overawed by being offered an interview at Cambridge that he neglected to ask some of these important questions... don't be overawed, (just imagine them in their pants) but don't be arrogant either, just be interested and interesting.... anyway, that's my tuppenceworth.