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If you could do anything right now...


If you could do anything right now, what would that be?
...and I mean anything.

What I want to do right now - RIGHT NOW - is run through my department building naked, screaming "I love rice pudding!!!!!" Then I might like to go and stand on the roof with a megaphone and do a great big fart through it, knowing that no one would remember a thing...because earlier I put some super magic memory-loss dust in everyone's tea.
Then, I would like to run to every pub in the country that has a bouncy castle, and erm... well, just bounce... frantically (!) (may I add). Then, I would run away giggling like a little girl because I just pulled the plug and let the air out. After that, I would train a monkey to read a paper whilst doing a poo in the landlady's back garden.
:-) Then, I would go and fill the uni library with loads of colourful plastic balls and disco lights so everyone could have a party. 8-) cool.


Anything? I would like to lock up all lunatics like yourself.


Oi!! Do you mind? I'm trying to procrastinate here!
Was that the best you could do? You don't want to smear chocolate over yourself and plunge into a skip full of marshmellows then? No?


Well, have you ever heard anybody in real life say what you just said outside of a lunatic asylum?


Be relaxing in the living room of a big house in the country that I own.


Buy a raw cod and slap some of the stuck up, boring postdocs with it.

Followed by pouring ice from the ice making machine down their lab coats. 8-)


Quote From cleverclogs:

Well, have you ever heard anybody in real life say what you just said outside of a lunatic asylum?
Yes, on the internet!

I'd go to bed and he fairies would finish the 1000 word pece I have to have done tonight:-( hilarious cobweb: made me laugh my ass off.




Gosh Cobweb, little bit of an anal fixation? ;-)

All that activity would wear me out. What I'd like to do more than anything else at the moment would be to have an afternoon at the beach. It's summer here, and would just like to lie on the hot sand, before throwing myself into the surf, then come out, lie under a beach umbrella, crack a beer and read a book, before another little nap, listening to the waves. Yep, that's top of my list.


[quote]Quote From Sue2604:

Gosh Cobweb, little bit of an anal fixation? ;-)

Young cobweb here enjoys a bit of toilet humour from time to time, she has said before, on the 'Last One to Post on this Thread Wins' thread ;-)

@Sue: That's it! Get me on the plane to Oz, pronto. Must go and see my Sydney friends...

hmm I would be wearing a different outfit to cobweb and lilbopeep. I would also go back to bed cos I have a tummy ache :-(


Quote From sneaks:

I would also go back to bed cos I have a tummy ache :-(

Poor sneaks. I was in bed all weekend with tummy ache... and a lil bit of heart ache mixed into it to give it that extra edge..

hmm I think it was hunger. Feeling better now, but very sleepy zzzz so would still want to go back to bed