If you could do anything right now, what would that be?
...and I mean anything.
What I want to do right now - RIGHT NOW - is run through my department building naked, screaming "I love rice pudding!!!!!" Then I might like to go and stand on the roof with a megaphone and do a great big fart through it, knowing that no one would remember a thing...because earlier I put some super magic memory-loss dust in everyone's tea.
Then, I would like to run to every pub in the country that has a bouncy castle, and erm... well, just bounce... frantically (!) (may I add). Then, I would run away giggling like a little girl because I just pulled the plug and let the air out. After that, I would train a monkey to read a paper whilst doing a poo in the landlady's back garden.
:-) Then, I would go and fill the uni library with loads of colourful plastic balls and disco lights so everyone could have a party. 8-) cool.