Inspired by my supervisors


I realise we do not often have much positive to say about supervision...but I have to say that to date my supervisors have been great...supportive, caring and engaged...are there other great supervsiors out there or am I just very lucky?


My supervisor is supportive in his own little way, he doesn't have much time for us (always away at a conference/meeting) but when I do get the time, it is absolute quality. I agree.

My supervisor is amazing intellectually, people who are now 15 years into their post-doc careers, having been supervised by him, still have that sense of intellectual awe I have - unfortunately I never see them!


Mine are great: always around and approachable. And they take you seriously if you have suggestions/ideas.


i am totally inspired by my supervisor - her work, anyway, which i think is just fabulous.


Good to read that others are happy with their supervisors...this whole PhD process is scary/ambigious/bewildering...reading a few positive comments helps me to keep a balance!


My supervisor, a *star* academic, took me on for a Phd in a year where I had already registered at another university in another country. She was at the time guiding my Masters work. Our conversations, especially over summer, by email, discussing books, the field, the future of the field, articles, papers, conferences, my career dreams, goals, ambitions, has been *amazing*. Even before the PhD started officially, there was such a tremendous amount of intellectual exchange and resonance. All her other students love working with her, as far as I am concerned, her work is outstanding, she inspires me tremendously and brings out the very best in me.8-)


Ohhh!! yeah!! My supervisor is a ROCKSTAR!!! He has sound scientific knowledge, always around to help me, is a very patient person and very humble. I have loads of things to learn from him not just scientifically but also as a person. He is the HOD of the Uni and has absolutely no ego abt him. One of things what I like most abt him is that he gives me the freedom to take most of my decisions myself. He was very helpful before I came to UK, I had some visa problems and health problems and he was there for me always. Its like a dream come true. Touchwood!!!!:-x