Hi VeryPoor. I appreciate sometimes some comments/questions can be a little annoying. But there are MANY MANY types of dyslexia actually which ARE considered a disorder. Not all dyslexias are developemtal, as I'm assuming you have. Dyslexia (Surface dyslexia, deep dyslexia, graphic dyslexia etc etc) can be a consquence of physical changes in the brain (i.e., Stroke, head trauma). Please don't be so sensitive. This is a ligitimate area of study and within that area the dyslexias are known as language disorders. Nobody in the field is being insensitve to you. What do you suggest, that every one stops researching the area so we don't upset people? Or should we just go crazy and change the names of everything least we cause offence to ANYONE? Its political correctness gone mad.
I don't mean to be rude to you in this by the way, I just feel that there can be too much aggression on this site.