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Introduce yourselves here


Ok, Im curious as to who you all are. So this is me:
Name is DJ Wickid, Age 24, doing soc sci in Cardiff. I have a white fluffy rabbit called Toseland, a grand piano called Wolfgang and a great pair of decks. In my spare time (have a lot of this being a social scientist) I drink and mix za decks. Go on introduce yourselves, dont be shy...


Neil, age 27. Doing PhD in paediatrics at Imperial College. In my spare time I teach running classes and generally keep myself fit. I also like a drink now and then! Just bought my second house which I am also renovating.


Neil looks like its just me and you communicating! Guess everyone else is too busy working or something to chat


Im 27 doing a phd in chemistry at manchester. Im married and have 4 guinea pigs and a hamster. In my spare time(!) i go to the gym, swim and eat eat eat. and push pins into the voodoo doll of my supervisor.


You are all so young! I'm 29, doing pharmacology PhD. I'm writing up and doing a 'post-doc' so have no spare time! Have 2 cats and a boyfriend who is getting fed up of our house being littered with books, papers and draft chapters! All the best :o)


Hi all. I'm not going to tell you how old I am, but doing a med soc. PhD in the Midlands. Have no pets but Kids (same thing really). Trying to write up and hating every minute of it!


Christine, aged 31 (ah, Ann - I beat you at wisdom, eh?) and I am doing my PhD in Brighton on DNA repair. I have some bonsai and am becoming interested in stop motion animation. I play appaling bad football (I play like a girl ) with my lab mates.


Hi Christine, good to know that I'm not the wisest one on this board!;oD Hi AnonPhD, good luck with the writing, how far into your thesis write up are you? I think it gets easier the more you do (perhaps because you become more desperate to finish and stop worrying about what you are writing and just write!


Dear all,

I wonder why you don't also introduce yourselves on our chat group? It is mainly for PhD students u can find it at

We r having our 1st live meeting at Sunday 28/11 at 1pm UK time. I hope u will be able to join us then. If u have not yet sent ur application to join the group, please do so as soon as possible. Thanks


Please note our chat group "PhD Students" is independent from the discussion forum on "FindaPhd" website. So, what you post in one site is not necessarily seen by the members of the other site (unless they happen to members of both our group & the forum). So, when u r posting a msg or replying to someone, please make sure u r in the right place!

Please also note, that live chat is available only on our group and in order to access u must log in to our group at (, then click "Live Chat"