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Introvert or Extrovert?


What is the basic personality inclination of people doing PhD studies? Does this vary by field of study? Can such generalizations be made?

I am only asking in an unscientific, somewhat curious manner---knowing the nature of generalizations--but that said--any thoughts? ( making small talk...could you ask this of a social gathering at your department?)


Mmm I dont think you can make a sweeping generalisation really.. Its like saying do people who do PhD's have brown hair.. its depends on the person.. But perhaps you could ask whether doing a PhD makes you more introverted over the 3/4 year period?


Well-- you COULD make the hair colour generalization! I have brown hair.

As someone on the way extrovert end of the scale, I like noisy busy places to study--most of the time. Silence makes me go crazy---most of the time, but there are those times you need to lock yourself away to get stuff done...

Hmmm...another question--do people with brown hair in PhDs tend to be more extroverted or introverted?


Haha well I have to admit, I have brown hair too lol!

Mmm I'm not sure I would class myself as either an extrovert or an introvert really.. I flit between the two dependant on my mood really


wow this is weird. i have brown hair! and i can't think of many blondes doing phds.....

also, i'd say i'm more extrovert than introvert.




My computer is acting up...besides the smiley faces, I meant to add..

it looks like we have something going here...could it be brown haired PhD students are more extroverted than introverted?


There is a PhD student in my group with blonde hair.. maybe it is dyed.. I will find out


And also find out if she more an introvert or extrovert!

Do you suppose some one could get PhD funding to study this????


I have a muddy brown colour hair. I used to dye it with henna to try and darken it to darker brown. But it looked more red. Anyway, yes - I would like to be blonde like my sister....


I have three sisters with blonde hair!!! And none of them have done a PhD ( though they have done other postgraduate professional degrees). I never tried to turn my hair blonde...its been ( in my punk rock days) but not ever blonde...


I am very much an introvert, which I have decided makes certain things in academia a little difficult...oh and maybe it's the shade of brown hair, coz mine's dark brown and I'm definitely NOT extroverted in any ways!


Aren't we missing out a key demographic of ginger people here. It really pisses me off when people think there are only two hair colours. PhD students are supposed to be intelligent and observant


Red hair has been mentioned here--in fact people opting to TURN their hair red from brown ( at least in my case!) And there is also black hair, and I am loathe to say, grey hair ( which turns up during PhD studies, apparently ( having just plucked one from my head) and then of course NO HAIR--whether by nature or by design!