Hi Satchi,
First of all, be comfortable. Interviews are nerve-wracking enough without feeling uncomfortable because you are wearing something unusual, or not feeling your normal self, e.g. hair up or hair down etc.
I think a black cardigan would be smart enough, no need for a smart jacket. I think as long as your hair is out of your face - if you normally tie it up, fine, but just be yourself and do what is most comfortable. Same goes for the glasses. I think I look better without mine, but I wear them most of the time so always feel a bit of place with my lenses in. I would rather feel comfortable so I would wear them. Unless it's a rainy day and they are liable to get smudgy/wet!
Sometimes you need to take ID, e.g. passport, driving license.
Those are my not very scientific suggestions. They will be interested in what you have to say rather than how you look as long as you are neat and clean etc! Good luck for the interview whatever you decide.