Quote From sneaks:
good to hear JC. I went for a job recently like that. Unfortunately I'm not in a financial situation to withdraw, but didn't get it anyway haha!
I've re-done my presentation and feeling slightly better about tomorrow, even with the rubbish reference :-(
I wasn't really in a financial position to tak ethis as I would be giving up a full time job with a day a week for PhD research and £1500 towards my fees for a part time job (0.5) with no support (financail or time) but it was nearer home and I hoped might get me a foot in the door of that uni. However the job was not what I thought and so with the financial contraint as well I decided it really wasn't for me. Had a very nice e-mail back thanking me for letting them know and for going to the interview and good feedback saying I interviewed well and was appointable so a win win all round really (and my HoD is thrilled I am not leaving so is being nice to me)