Like most of us, I am require us to keep a fixed-leaf notebook to document .. 'stuff', in the event that my University need the evidence to take away my Nobel worthy IP.
I have never been good at sequential thinking, in the past my thoughts emerged iteratively on loose leaf pages, collected into a folder and re-organised in a fairly organic way. So this fixed-leaf notebook has really been a problem over the years, in terms of creativity and organising myself. Now entering my third year I thought I'd ask your advice, better late than never.
How do you seperate the dull admin supervisor-related notes from your genius scientific outpourings? My notebook is a mixture of underlined dates and the same three names of those who attended my meetings, scribblings explaining pythagoras to MSc students, and random bursts of thought repeated over and over again because I forgot I had that thought before or fell alseep before realising an indexing system would be useful.
Do you have a virtual 3D mind-controlled environment you keep attached to your keyring or .. lots of spare time?