Help! I am having some pre-submission panic. I've done a qualitative PhD in chronic illness, I have read through and re-read my thesis countless times, I think it is really tightened up now. I'm submitting this week but I am worried about some things, mainly literature.
I'm very anxious that the external will pick holes in my references, say "why haven't you included this, etc" - I haven't quoted/cited him at all, I didn't know about him until I knew he was going to be my external! (BTW, this concerns a vast area of literature, not something experimental or anything, I wouldn't have been expected to know about him) My focus was trapping articles on the main problem, which was a particular disease, then expanding into other sets of literature as far as I thought necessary to continue the argument. But now I'm very worried that I'll get major re-writes for omitting a load of theoretical stuff.
Sorry for the anxious post, in spite of wanting to get it out of the way, I think I'm finding it very hard to let the thesis go. Anyone else feeling/felt like this?