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Looking for A PHD in Geophysics


I am a 25 year old Zimbabwean and a holder of a first class MSc degree in Geophysics, I am in deep need of pursuing a PhD in Geophysics mainly in the field that affords some experience in seismic methods or Earth's tomography. All the projects that appear have funding only for mainly EU citizens, How can I get funding?
I have also sent applications for some adverts but have not been successful, How can I convince the panel that I am a capable scholar. I wish to pursue it before age catches up with me. Please Help.


hi cjmazhub
25 years of age is a good age! I remember when I was 25 :-) While most of the funding you have seen is for mainly EU citizens, there may also be funding for non-EU citizens. Have you tried Erasmus scholarships? They may have new ones for PhD in your area. I think its just knowing where to look and to KEEP looking. Don't stop looking, don't stop appyling, don't stop trying :-)


Is there any chance to get funding through companies (environmental consultancies/big petroleum companies such as Shell, BP etc)? Have you checked whether BGS (British Geological Survey) has some PhD positions going? I think key will be that you find a university with a department/supervisor that covers your interests and that also has a good track record in getting funding for their international students (e.g through company funds, or through research grant money). No doubt, it's hard and these studentships/funds are scarce, but as was said before "dont give up". Keep checking all possible avenues. Also, if you want to improve on your applications, ask for feedback from the unis that rejected you. Sometimes that can be helpful...Good luck.


Thank you guys for the responses, I will definately try the avenues you suggested.