Hi J_W, hopefully someone who has been through their viva / corrections will come and give you some encouragement/advice here, but I just wanted to say that what you are going through from what I have heard is completely normal. Doing a PhD - knowing what is expected of you, wondering if you're meeting the expectations, wondering if it is enough etc etc - is like a psychological roller coaster at times, and is not fun (the SCIENCE part is...). You will do it! If I recall rightly then yours actually could have been minor corrections - but they put major down out of kindness to give you more time to do them. It's worth remembering that fact.
This feels like it could have been written by me.
I had my VIVA in August and have only just submitted my major corrections. It's been a nightmare few months. I've read through the thesis what feels like a hundred times and keep spotting mistakes and it feels as though the nightmare will never end, particually as my examiners were so thorough.
I can't comment on your examiners, but my feeling is that as long as you can show that you have understood and attempted to tackle each of their questions, you will be fine. If they really didn't like it, they wouldn't have passed you!
THe thing is - it is stressful. I spent the last 10 or so weekends working on my corrections and countless evenings (and when working full time this really takes it out of you). The thing is, you've come this far, you're going to do it and you are going to submit the corrections one way or the other, so just do it!
One thing that really helped me was I got a proof reader in to check my thesis for any glaring errors. This was a massive weight off my mind as I knew grammar, reference inconsistencies and small mistakes would be spotted.
I'd strong reccomend:https://findaproofreader.com/ You can put exactly what you want checked and your budget and then you get loads of replies from professionals who have various degrees of experience. You can then select the person that you think is best and go with that. Mine was great (Stephen Pigney).
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