Thanks in advance for any advice.
I am doing a professional doctorate which includes a 30,000 word dissertation. Its a coparison of views between clinicians and clients about a common problem within society, its just an exploratory study. I have resultsand just in analysis.
I asked clients and clinicians the same questions, clinicians were surveyed with a simple questionnaire (5 q's) I put together and was focused on why people engage in substance uss, maintain use,, barriers to stopping and health service issues.. Open ended questions. I asked clients the same questions in face to face interview.I catagorised the responses under headings and currently comparing views of clinicians and clients using chi square.
Issue: I am not a great academic by any means, far more comfortable as a clinician. Had supervisor issues, changed from a very controlling person to a much more laid back, patient nice guy who understands this is not a PhD. I got through my confirmation seminar, have found some interesting results which challenge a current medical treatment model. I am worried that my methodology is not sound though as there were no standardised questionnaires used to ask for opinions of clients and clinicians. My reason for not using standardised q's is because there has been very little change in substance use and I wanted to see if there was a mismatch in views between clients and clinicians and the existing q's did not allow for this.
what are u trying to achieve with ur research?
are u planning to do qualitative or quantitative?
what kinda methodology are u using specifically? action research? grounded theory etc?
how many samples did u take?
these are the common questions the examiner would ask. it's a way to check ur methodology. hope it helps!
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