I can [sort of] see the logic behind your question - most people DO go into a 4th year. However stop and think about what the first year involves: making and developing new contacts, lit review, first experiments, maybe beginning to prepare for conferences. You’ve also got the added factor of MPhil to PhD transfer assessment at the end of the 1st year.
With all this going on, self funding, especially if you were holding down a job to do this, would be quite stressful. You may also miss important seminars/meetings because you might have to work. When you're in the 4th year, you're just writing up (incidentally, I don't mean the word "just" to trivialise the writing-up process! I mean that it's the only PhD related thing you're doing, as opposed to all the activities in your first year.) It's a lot easier to self-fund when your PhD activities are more streamlined into writing, rather than a lot of other things.