Hi folks! Hope I'm not totally off topic here & being a spoon, but I'm looking for a wee bit advice. I've been given two separate PhD projects in experimental cancer therapeutics at Queens University Belfast (without interview - miracle?! I don't know!), but am still waiting on hearing about the ever elusive funding. The projects were listed on findaphd as 'competitively funded' and I have applied for both DEL and University Scholarships through the university application portal for both projects, but have heard nothing. I emailed the university in February and was told a decision would be make soon by the postgrad office and 'next week' by the School I'd be in but have heard nothing since. I emailed them again the other week, but to no avail and phoning them just gets me bounced around departments where no-one can answer my question! So I would just like to know what advice you can give me about how to get answers from them? Is it usual to wait this long? Do I even stand a chance for funding or should I just give up :( Has anybody been through something similar and can tell me this is normal and to stop freaking out?! Please help - I've been freaking out since January!