I just got a post doc position...if conferences do not present the right opportunity the best advice I can give (because it worked for me) is to approach the people that you want to work with ie away from a conference setting (so much else goes on at conferences, not to mention loads of other potential post docs milling around!). Email them and ask if they have any positions available and if possible actually arrange to go in and speak to them ( I know this is difficult if they are in another country, but email contact is better than nothing)... if you go and meet them face to face then you get to suss out if you think you would like/be able to work for them and vice versa. It is a great chance to discus ideas etc and if they don't have any thing available right away they may keep you in mind for future grant proposals. Also, meeting them increases your chances of being called for an interview,should a job be posted, and then makes the whole interview process a whole lot less stressful becasue you already know each other.
best of luck!