So how did we all do? I will be honest and provide some excuses, but honestly this was such a bad week!
1. get up at the first alarm (hahaha)
- started out good...but I was not able to get up at the first try. I DID however get to the office around 8am everyday! that counts?
2. revise comprehensive paper and submit to committee members
-Nope, guess what? Spilling water on my laptop - it completely died on me. I was able to get the IT guys to retrieve my files, including this could only imagine the panic. Guess who is buying a new computer this week?
3. submit abstract to gerontology conference
4. set meeting with advisor
5. smile, smile, smile
-YES, but I admit, I wasn't smiling when my laptop would not turn on and I knew it was broken.
Hope everyone else had a better week!