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not enough money


i have so many conferences and workshops to go to and i dont have enough travel money to do it :s


Apply for travel grants, or ask your supervisor to sponsor you.


I know where I am there is a training budget which will pay for some conferences etc.. might be worth investigating if there is something similar at your spot?


sell yourself?


i applied and was awarded travel grants last year. problem is they are not likely to give you an award twice. it might have to come to what H suggest?

anyone want a kidney? :D


Are you a member of a professional body? I'm a member of the Institute of Physics, and in the group which is related to my field if I needed to I could apply for a grant to go to a conference to present either a poster or a talk. In return I think you have to write a review of the conference. Is there anyone like that, that applies to your field?


what area are you in? some professional organizations (I'm a member of British Sociological Association, for instance) have some small grants that you can apply for, BSA has small grants of up to 150 pounds. maybe you can look up other organizations?


I had to pay for the last conference I went too.

I'm dreading having to start to pay for research trips to archives and stuff...


nope. i've look at those options too but nothing is available. i might have to do a chrisrolinski and start paying out of my own pocket :s


Can you not do posters at some of them which normally covers your travelling expenses and also the attendence fee.


this why i am a bit peeved because there are normally some student bursaries given by the conference organisers but for the ones i am presenting stuff at there arent any. there not exactly small conferences either - they are huge!


Yes, it is very unfair esp. if it is a big conference.

I presented a conference paper at my home uni last week and really appreciated the conference lunch they laid in for the speakers - it was a nice gesture. Conference organisers needs to bear such things in mind - however small. That said, picking over lunch is perhaps a bit of a moot point when travel fairs are so prohibitive.

I am resolved to using and when I have to organise my archive visits...


Sorry, travel fares (not fairs...goodness, I'm practically illiterate)


Well that's just rude.

Boycott them and threaten to organise demonstrations, that should do the trick.


I know how you feel...I am struggling too, I have a fund for research costs which just isnt conference and the money is all gone.
Also I should have been paid today for my studentship which funded by the department and I didnt get paid. The finance woman was like 'oh well it might be tomorrow but I'm really not sure'. I'm so mad - if I was a member of staff who hadnt been paid I'm sure they would sort it out but just cos I'm a PhD student doesn't mean that I dont need the money as much or have bills to pay. Grr