Hello all
Has anyone here done an overseas lab visit (or one in your own country perhaps)?
I know I want to visit a certain lab because I love the work that is done there and think it will help my career prospects. But beyond that - what specific things should I be aiming for on a lab visit? I am still in the early stages of contacting the lab etc. But I think I am going to need to say more than I love your work... What can I get out of it? Or should I be thinking what can offer them?
How does this lab visit stuff work?
I think usually it's that you want to learn something from them. At least, that's what visitors to my lab have been doing. I did spend time in another lab as part of my PhD, but that was because they were part funding me and it was prearranged, so that was a bit different.
So, when you're there, make sure you learn what it is you went for, and then they are on hand to troubleshoot and help you afterwards
Thank you for the helpful (as always) response. I am applying for a grant but it will be toward the end of my PhD (if it all goes through) so I will have to say it'll be useful experience for my future / postdoc activities. The grant doesn't specify that it needs to be directly relevant to current work - says it can be for future research - so hopefully it'll be accepted.
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