Hello all,
Some of you may be familiar with my PhD story, which I still confidently argue is one of the worst in the history of PhD's (!) - read my previous threads if you're interested in the long and winding story. Anyway, it is a year ago to the day that I received the email I thought I'd never receive informing me that I was to be awarded my PhD. In light of this, I thought I'd share what I have learnt a year on from that with you all.
Firstly, the struggle I endured has defined me. I am not the same as most other academics - I did not follow the procedure and simply pass my viva with minor corrections which were turned around and signed off on in a couple of months. I am a product of a broken system and I am so thankful for the insights my PhD ordeal gave me. It has made me a better lecturer, educator and all round person.
Secondly, although the ordeal has made me a better person, it has also made me more anxious and doubtful of my capabilities as an academic, and of the system in general. A colleague of mine recently passed his viva with minor corrections and he received a dozen round robins congratulating him as 'Dr'. When that title was put in front of my name after my viva (not by me may I add) I faced a formal investigation which could have cost me both my PhD and my job. Academia ain't fair and life ain't fair. Deal with it and make it better.
And lastly, the support of family and friends - their belief, enthusiasm and relentless determination to fight the good fight with me got me this PhD. I couldn't have done it on my own. Allow yourself to take help from the people around you - they are gold.
Triumph over adversity is the best kind of triumph anyone could gain. I don't have a PhD in Sociology, I have a PhD in determination.
Have just DM'ed you.
For anyone that hasn't already - If you want to go through an emotional journey, read Faded's thread. An unbelievable story (I think it would make a good movie!)
Congrats on surviving and for where you are now - much respect.
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