I did my BSc. in biotech/economics, but on the econ side, I never did econometrics....
Did my MS in biotech, very technical degree,
PhD would be in pharmaceutical econ, which is pure econ related, but no theory..its all applied econ relating to the healthcare and pharma industries.
Now, I read tons of econ papers, and I love pharmacoecon, and the work that health economists do is very stimulating. I guess I am just used to being told what classes to take to gain proficiency in a subject. But, I guess you are right...the classes I do don't really teach me, they give me some of the skills to conduct my research.
Worried that I will encounter something in my research that I do not know how to do, that I could have learnt in a class. I guess, worst case scenario, is after realizing that, just take the class :)