Hi, I am new to this forum and I like to ask some questions about doing a PhD in Japan (soory,if they are dump, but I don't have any experiences with PhD). I recently finished University with the diploma grade in Biology (I am from Germany) and now I am thinking about doing my PhD in Japan. I did a lot of internet search the last weeks, but wasn't very succesful. I found a lot of programs for international students in graduate schools leading to a PhD, but these graduate schools a very expensive if one doesn't have a scholarship. So I wondered if one can also find a position as a PhD student in a lab, but doesn't need to be student of a graduate school? So just searching for a suitable lab and ask if they have a free position? And if so, is it normal in Japan to earn a little money with the PhD research to cover life costs (like in Germany e.g.) or does one always need to fund oneself or get a scholarship?
Thank you for your replies in advance