Hi all,
I'd like to ask for some advice on coping with presentations.
I have just finished my first year and I am moving straight into the second. I have to present my project to my peers and to some "higher-ups". I am really nervous. I think I know my topic rather well, but my reading is rather slow (I have to read a single paper about 4 times to get the gist of it!) so I don't feel I have a lot of background knowledge. My project is also rather slow in it's progress due to a) the nature of the model I am using and b) I was diagnosed with depression about 6 months in, although I probably had the problems for a very long time (before I even applied for the position!!). Imposter syndrome, infantalisation, the works. This I am getting help and counselling for but I don't know how to deal with this should somebody ask me why I don't seem to have made much progress. I know I should also be presenting a plan "B" but at the moment I don't have any ideas!! I feel I may make myself - and my boss - look like an idiot. :(
Any advice?