Sorry I've only just started and have gone straight onto PhD so can't help but I hope someone is able to give you some advice - have you tried searching on here for previous posts as I am sure that (or similar) question has been asked before.
Hi there, I think all unis do this a different way so its difficult to answer - I had my upgrade just before Christmas and all I had to do was my basic board meeting - prepare a paper, discuss it with the board and my sup then said this is the upgrade, the others all said absolutely, and that was that, no different to any of my other supervisory board meetings. In that respect I'm sorry not to be able to assist you in this, all I can say is that my sup told me that most of the time its a formality, they know by now if you're suitable to upgrade or not and would have spoken to you prior to this point if there was likely to be an issue and therefore, unless you pull a massive clanger you're safe. I hope that is the same for you xx
I made it through the interview! It felt a bit rough at times, and I stumbled awkwardly over a couple of answers due to nerves, but they gave me the green light, so I guess I didn't do too badly. They said I have to make a couple of changes to my proposal, which they will forward to my supervisor - they pointed out it was a little too broad and I needed to focus in more. But, its all good and I feel I can relax for awhile now its over :-)
Taxing - I had to do something similar to you. Had to submit a 3000 word literature review and a research proposal, including forward plan, which was around 7000 words.
Thanks Swetchha,
Initially I was told I would have to do a presentation but then a week before my Sup told me it had changed to a straight Q&A session. At the start of the meeting I was asked to sum up in a few sentences the main thrust of my thesis, then the profs asked me about specific parts of my report.
Good luck!
Thanks, Pablo. The interview lasted for 1 hr 15 minutes. The most amazing part was examiners' reaction to the PhD review document which they said to be well structured and well written. They had a very good impression on the document - which I could see in their happy faces. Within the first five minutes they said that I have passed and they do not have doubt for future work but they have some suggestions. Basically, that good news followed with just clarifications on some of their questions and suggestions and as well as my future plans. I found it much better than I thought of.
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