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Hi there i am currently looking at Phd options in the physiology field. I am however going to work in New Zealand for a year, should i start applying now for Phd's or hold off till next year?


There's no harm in applying now and it could make things easier for next year (you'll be a long way away from any interviews). You'll probably get a mixed response. Some people will offer a defered start date if they think you're good enough, others may offer to consider you for any funding they might get in the following year (this offers no guarantees). Problems with funding mean that many will just ask you to apply again next year as nobody can guarantee getting a new studentship every year.


Thanks for info. Also been looking into further study in psychology, as ive done 2 yrs of undergrad pscyh, was wondering what universities thought off psych conversion courses etc? Keeping all my options open..cheers