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Postgraduate science courses info


I am sorry to have posted so many consecutive questions, so I have laid it all out here.
I was accepted in several schools to study masters and the following were my top choices:
KCL: MSc Biomedical and Molecular Sciences Research
Imperial College: MSc Reproductive and Developmental Biology
Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry (QMUL): MSc Molecular Pathology and Genomics
Brunel: MSc Molecular Medicine

I am trying to get connected with postgrads who have either taken anyof these courses or are about to. I have already given a deposit forKCL because I think that the program can give me a lot of transferableskills and can help me to actually figure out exactly what I want tofurther specialize in. I have been thinking that I could probably doclinical embryology or something else with assisted conception andreproduction, as I have always been interested in that. It looks likethe course at KCL can help me expand my lab skills, and possiblyconnect me good employers. Also, for those who might be interested, Ihave to say that so far I have been very positively impressed with KCL.Everyone that I have spoken to has been great, even the professors fromthe program take the time to talk to you. I don't know why I am stilldebating my choice?! I recently ran into a program at UCL MScReproductive Sciences and Women's Health, which sounds very interestingto me. But what if I go into it and don't like it? then I wouldn't havetoo many choices after I graduate. Ahh...
Moving along with my other options. I was very disappointed withImperial, because of many things: they insist that I have to pay 25,300GBP for their program (rather than 3,300 or something close to that)because they refuse to accept me as a home student, despite the factthat I am an EU national. Everyone is hard to get in touch with. Iappealed their decision and it took them over 6 weeks to come up withan answer (this was the beginning of the year, so I don't think theywere that busy, and I was calling them every week). They actually sentme a bill and asked me for a deposit about 2 months before I evenreceived an e-mail that I have been accepted....not very professional.
I don't really seem to find a lot about the barts course. I actuallytried to visit it and I called several different numbers and therewasn't even one person who could tell me where I should go to check outthe facilities, as obviously they are not in the QMUL buildings. Itdoes seem like an interesting course, even though it seems to be morespecific than KCL.
Brunel seems like a good school may be for engineering and computers,but I am not sure it would be so right for the course I would bestudying there, so it has been more of a back-up.
This turned out to be a long blog but I am trying to just give as fullunderstanding to my situation as possible, so that I can hear youropinions. Does anybody know anything about any of these courses?
Greatly appreciated!