I have been few months into a fully funded PhD (Engineering). Over the past few months I started loosing motivation , interest, and concentration and as a result started affecting my confidence . I know this is so far the best opportunity I have got, but I don't think I can carry on like this.I am in a dilemma , I would n't hesitate to quit my PhD but I have no answer for the Q "what next ?" ....I don't know what to do really.
Hi Nevergiveup,
You are not the only one feeling rough about your PhD. I think this is the time the initial excitement has gone and the reality sinks in.
I feel as if I will never know my subject, that I am not making progress and that I am the most obviously dopey of my group.
If a great well paid job showed up tomorrow I would consider it with the way I feel now.
However, I too am fully funded and it pays the mortgage and keeps child clothed!
From what I have read on this forum and other people's experiences elsewhere: feeling rubbish moments are natural.
It feels that everyone else is enthusiastic and motivated but in reality they may not be, but just slogging on making the best of it.
Certainly talk to someone about it. Not just supervisors/academics but several PhD students in their second or third year. They may be able to offer tips how to get through this knowing the dynamics of your own department.
Have you had much in the way of holidays? Make sure you book a few days off every other month and then do something not stay at home - even just a 4 day weekend away will help you feel you still have a life.
It depends how you feel about it. Don't leave without a reasonable job to go to if you are funded. I was funded and left as I got a job. I just found the research and isolation didn't suit me. Depends why you are doing the phd - ultimately it won't increase your salary it needs to be you living research and your area.
Never give up, I know how you feel. My suggestion is that you should think very carefully before you make any decisions. A lot depends on whether you have good supervisors, you are interested in your topic and so many other factors. I think answering "what nex"t is very important too, especially in this financial climate. You have only just started and you may feel better about it; sometimes we have ups and downs. I am in a position where I wish I had left three years ago!
Take care.
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