what does everyone think about having radios on in the lab?
I was in one of the labs today on my own, no one else was working in the room so I put the radio on. One of my colleagues came in. I know from previous experience they don't like the radio on, so i said if they were staying i would turn it off. They preceded to say that if people want to listen to music they should use personal stereos and not inflict it on everyone else. I asked if they could hear it in the other room and they said yes, so I said I would turn it down.
I only had it on quietly, the hood I was working in makes a lot of noise and the lab this particular person was in is two rooms down the corridor. So I don't know how I was disturbing anyone else.
I don't want to take my lovely new ipod into the scabby old lab. I was always taught that if you take something into the lab you shouldn't take it out again.
What does everyone think? Am I being unreasonable?