Thanks Emmaki for yr reply. By the way, how is yr work going? I used to read yr post earlier but now could not keep up with yr updates. Hope u are doing well.
To continue with earlier question:
Brullie in one of his journal article published in 2005 in page 86 has written like this: All we need to have is patience on what we do (Hanny, 2000).
From this line, I figured out this is Hanny's idea. Since he has not put it in quote and referred page number, this definitely the paraphrased one. I picked it from Brullies' 2005 article, page 86 and hence gave the reference as this: "All we need to have is patience on what we do" (Hanny, 2000 cited in Brullie, 2005: 86). Hope, I am not wrong.