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Revised Journal…


I had submitted the revised version of my journal which was under “minor revision” status in the beginning of July. The status during that time was “with editor” (for 1 month) and it had changed to “under revision” since beginning of August. I still haven’t got any reply form the editor until now (about 3 months after submitting). From what I've seen, some papers in that journal are accepted after about 2 months after the submission of the revision. Is this a bad sign? Is it wise/ reasonable to ask about the paper again, but I have already asked twice before and I am afraid that they will reject the paper or change the status to major revision if I ask so many times. Or is it better to just wait for their email? Anyone has any experience on this?



It took some months for me to hear back from the journal editors. I sent a gentle 'Hello, just wanted to check you received my updated manuscript' email. They replied confirming that they had, and due to problems with reviewers, it was taking longer than usual.

Gentle email is probably a good idea, but I wouldn't worry.



Please try mailing the editor from a University account. At times, the gmail/yahoo/hotmail type accounts get marked as spam. Please email the handling editor via email and perhaps again by means of using the online system. It is quite reasonable to inquire about the paper. Secondly, from minor revisions, I don't recall ever seeing papers going to major. At times, for minor, the Editors even simply check the revisions themselves.

Hope this helps,



Thanks Ginandjazz & Mak_2011! :-)