I'm chuffed to say I just scored a research asst role part time to work alongside my revisions. It couldn't have come at a better time.
They're trying to start me on around 19k pro rata, but the scale goes to 25k. I want to negotiate as the post is part time (always equates to more hours!), also they wanted a grad, I've got an MRES and just have to resubmit my phd. I think I'm good value.
It's fixed term for only a few months anyway so I won't progress up the salary scale in that time.
Other issues are the lead researcher is on sabbatical so I will actually be the assistant but will do a lot of the work on my own. Plus I have childcare to pay for. All in all, 25k pro rata will reflect the role requirements, my skills and qualifications and be more affordable.
This seems a good start but does anyone have any further advice on negotiating?
only thing is, I just had the call and said I wanted to discuss salary so I'm waiting for a call back right now!