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simplifying presentation for the non specialist


I am presenting on Wednesday. It should be 20 mins long and 10 mins for questions.The audience will be non specialists. I created my presentation but my supervisors have said I need to simplify, which Im finding relatively difficult. Has anyone else had this problem?


I had to do a presentation to a load of chemists who's first language wasn't even English and knew nothing about anything I was going on about. It was fun!

Lots of pretty pics will keep them interested.

No technical terms or give definitions if you must.

Basically try to explain stuff on the most basic level you can.


Part of my scholarship requirements has me talking polymer chemistry to businessmen who last did chemistry at O Level, if that. When I give the talks I agree with the advice given by H.

Pictures are great. I use simplified images to explain points and it comes across a lot clearer than text.

Avoid technical jargon.

Use your non-specialist friends. I usually give talks to either my non-chemist girlfriend or one of my humanities mates. If they look confused then the presentation needs altering; their advice has been invaluable.

It can be a little annoying to simplify your work, but it is an essential skill and if any watching your presentation does have more than the average idea of what you're talking about, more than likely they'll ask a question or seek you out later, giving you a chance to really show what you know.


its usually best to give an over all picture....this is the problem - this is how it effects u -this is my idea - this is how i will go about doing it - here are the results - this is how it will effect u - conclude saying how cool it all is. Then take questions.


Yep I pretty much followed that structure and it went down quite well. I think they all understood what I was trying to do and what I was looking at. Its funny because that was the least nervous I have ever been when presenting (but its probably the most prepared that I have been- there is an obvious link there!).
Now Im going to enjoy the afternoon because I have been working hard on this for past 2 weeks.

A bit of 5-a-side footy and then watch world cup. Ha Ha. Enjoy work!!!!!! (A joke of course)