Hello everyone- I should start by saying this isnt a generalised moan, but I do need some advice. I've suffered with severe anxiety and depression for a lot of years (which has/is being treated). This, naturally, has really gone through the roof since I started my PhD and its made things, particularly socialising, very difficult. However, I have met up with other PhD students to go out at night and I've been to other social events as well (which, for me, is a big achievement)- problem is, there has been a lot of others which I just havent felt able to go to. I'm basically just wondering if I should feel as awful as I do about this or whether I should be pleased that I've been able to do what I have- I do seem to get on with everyone I've met doing a PhD, but I worry that they will think I'm arrogant or unwilling to get to know them better, when thats not really the truth. Anyone any thoughts or advice?