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SPSS question. Oh man, they want more words in the title, so here.....!!!


Hi hard-working bank holiday weekend people....
I have downloaded a demo version of SPSS and I have an OU Version of it as well with pre-loaded data. I wanted to know if anyone knew where the cheapest place was to buy a full version of SPSS. I only officially start at my Brunel in Sep. but I know I have to master a lot of stats by then so I really need to get cracking......


Oops, meant to delete Brunel and put in 'uni', looks like I forgot and now you all know where I will be, oh well


You should be able to get it cheaply from your uni, otherwise the only other legit place is to get it from the SPSS themselves (which will be expensive).


At my place [Lancaster] copies are available free to students from the library. Isn't that the case wth you? Other than that there are probabaly plenty of copies hacked on the torrents.


I think it would be best to wait till September and get your University sort it out for you. But if it's really urgent, you can try ebay or amazon (not, but com), for earlier cheaper or education versions. (beware the illegal copies on ebay)


Yes, I have one from the OU but I haven't anything from Brunel as although I have been accepted etc. and have funding applications in place through my supervisor, they are being sticky and beaurocratic about me getting an Athens password etc. before I 'officially'turn up and register in Sep. Ridiculous at this level, I feel. I have tried to use the one for OU but it doesn't seem to want to work anymore as my student page is no longer active and I think the two are linked. I am still busy tinkering here. I have a demo version from the SPSS website but it will only last another 14 days. I am going to have a lot of stats analysis in my project so I want to make sure I can handle the level by then.


Some here.... unless you take a moral stance on these issues.


Ok, golfpro, so what are the statistics....! I will be desperate in a few days....I am PinkNeuron, I am goodie two shoes but really, what are the statistics?


What do you mean 'what are the statistics?' You've lost me.


Of getting into trouble.


Very slight I personally think. If you do download something make sure you don't let it phone home though. If you have concerns can't you get a copy of your last Uni Library or is this not possible?


Bying SPSS from distributors is enourmosly expensive, even for a student version. The cheapest way is to buy through university a licence for a year and renew it every year, as people said it here.