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Hello all,

I know I haven't been very active on here recently, but just wanted to tell everyone that I passed! I realise that many of the people I used to talk to on here are now probably not around, but just felt the need to post a thread. It's probably because this forum gave me so much support during the early stages of my PhD.

Anyway, I had my viva a week and a half back and I passed with what the examiner called, 'very minor corrections'.

I will post my viva experience up here so others can get a better idea of what goes on. I know I was frantically searching for this before my viva.

Also, I have a comprehensive list of general questions I worked with which I can also post if anyone needs them.

Good luck to the rest of you!



I'm on the point of submission so I'd be very interested in your questions if you'd like to share.

Quote From Acarpous:

I'm on the point of submission so I'd be very interested in your questions if you'd like to share.

Ditto! Congrats from me too :-D


Of course, these were the main questions I thought about - my thesis was conducted within the School of Social sciences btw:

(a) What is the original contribution to knowledge?

(b) Justifying Methodology

(c) Conceptual framing and choice thereof

(d) What would you do differently next time?

(e) What are the issues you have with your analysis?

(f) Justifying findings against other accounts in the field

I also thought a bit wider about the following issues:

(a) How would you justify doing this type of research to the general public? Why is it so vital and important?

(b) What are you most proud of?

(c) Why did I decide to undertake a PhD, and why this topic?

(d) What was not in the thesis?

(e) How did you know your respondents were informed, unbiased and genuine?

(f) How did I go about securing my ethical approval for conducting empirical research.


Also, there are a couple of mock viva videos worth watching, one by Angel Productions based at Nottingham Uni (I think) and another one by Cardiff Uni.


Many congratulations!



love satchi