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Supervisor draft reviewing... TOO SLOW!


Writing up is HORRIBLE, and not aided by the fact my supervisors are just too slow at reading my chapters and providing comments back. For the first chapter I wrote, it took my supervisor 4 months to give me comments back, and the second one 3 months so far, and still no comments. The other supervisor provided lots of comments at the beginning of the chapter, which quickly petered out... like he'd never bothered reading it all. I'm due to submit at the end of the summer and wondering how I can chivvy them along... any ideas? It's really disheartening to be honest. Neither show any interest in what I do, and then don't even tell me if it's any good, though they don't trash it either (which has to be a positive). Anyway, I need a way to speed them up & get them to provide quality comments... in an encouraging way... whisky bribe?! Any ideas?


Why not offer to mark their exam scripts in return?

Lecturers normally find this tedious and reading your chapters might look fun by comparison.

I tried the bribery route myself, but lecturers don't do it for the money.


Keep asking regularly (weekly?) in person?


I can understand how this can be so inconvenient for you. Why don't you explain how this is effecting you and your work; and ask if there is anything you could do to make it easier for them to read your chapters. Ask, perhaps, if it would be more convenient for them to receive chapters divided into smaller documents for example or would it be better if you send them reminders as you understand how busy they are blah blah...

Yes, supervisors are busy, but they shouldn't ignore your work. They have no right to extend the write-up process for you. I would talk to them and maybe even get them to appoint an advisor from your school or something if you are running short of time (due to funding etc.)


perhaps email them asking for a meeting, then email them the next day with questions you'd like to discuss in the meeting related to the work you are waiting for and say you're looking forward to the meeting?? make it look like you value their comment - that will give them a kick to keep up. i found that this type of blackmail worked with mine last time. all the best.


Thanks for that, I'm new to the forum (it's great!) and also made a scout of old messages on supervisors giving comments. I have a meeting with them booked, so I'm going to lay down my timetable, and explain when I need comments by & find out if they'll be able to meet my timetable or whether they can suggest someone else to review my chapters. I think perhaps they don't realise the time constraint I'm under... I've had a tendancy over the last year to present plans and not stick to them, but now coming up to the end of my 4th year, I have a deadline I can't go past... for university, sanity and financial reasons!!! VIVA THE END!!!!! No comments from supervisors? So it goes in without their comments!!!