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Teaching in first year?


Hi guys! I’m a recent masters graduate who has just been offered a PhD studentship last week. However, I decided to apply for this project pretty last minute and rushed through the application process. Before being offered the place, I had agreed to take on some associate lecturing at the same university (but in a different subject) for the next semester. Could this be a potential problem as neither the the module coordinators or the potential supervisor are fully aware of the situation and I’m unsure how to bring the subject up without coming across deceptive?


Quote From Justboy:
Hi guys! I’m a recent masters graduate who has just been offered a PhD studentship last week. However, I decided to apply for this project pretty last minute and rushed through the application process. Before being offered the place, I had agreed to take on some associate lecturing at the same university (but in a different subject) for the next semester. Could this be a potential problem as neither the the module coordinators or the potential supervisor are fully aware of the situation and I’m unsure how to bring the subject up without coming across deceptive?

I would just be honest and tell your potential supervisor. At my institution we are allowed to work a maximum of 6 hours per week not related to our PhD - this includes any teaching and marking. There might be a similar rule at yours - you could check and talk to the department you will lecture in about fitting your lectures around this? I know a PhD student who is doing something similar, the only difference is they were already a PhD student when they got the AL job.

And about being deceptive - it will be a lot worse if you leave it and then your supervisor finds out from someone else (they WILL find out somehow). I'd just bite the bullet and tell them, but say that obviously your PhD is your top priority and you will work to ensure that the other work doesn't interfere with your PhD work. You could also say you thought it would enhance your ability to relay complicated phenomena to lay audiences, which is a skill even if the content is not directly related to your work.

I agree with kienziebob, be honest with you supervisor and everyone else. Simply ask what exactly entails and say you didn't realise what you signed up for. They would rather know now than later.

Also is full lecturing or supporting tutorials? Because you can teach completely random tutorials if you have supporting materials