Hello all! I graduated with an MS from the USA and I am really interested in pursuing a PhD in Germany or The Netherlands. I would really like to do something with Industrial application. I am not familiar with the PhD system in Europe so I have a bunch of questions I hope you guys can help me with! :)
1. For those who are doing or have done an Industrial PhD in Europe, how did you find your position? Was it an advertised vacancy on a jobboard like Stepstone of did you find it on the individual company websites?
2. If these are advertised on jobboards, which ones should I be looking at?
3. Were you a company employee or an external candidate when you applied?
4. Is it possible to get a company to fund your project proposal? My area is Geoscience, particularly groundwater, renewable energy storage, geothermal energy and subsurface storage. I guess they would want you to complete something they are interested in, but is it possible to apply with a project proposal to a company?
5. Any idea of companies that offer this sort of thing in the EU in my areas of interest?
6. Did you end up working at the company or did you go into academia?
7. Any other information would be wonderful.