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The new forum website...


...what do you think of it?


Hi H, it seems odd reading the posts 'the other way up'!

Welcome to the new forum Ann & H. We thought having the messages this way around would make life easier. You can change the order if you want to. You can also now enter posts of around 200 words and you can opt to receive an email every time somebody replies to one of your threads (you can also turn this off if you want to).

Oh, and we've changed our name as well.


Excellent, 200 words, luxury!!!! :oD


Can we all be mods pls?


So why do we need to log in now before we use the forum? Is it so that Big Brother can monitor what we say? ;)

Registration isn't something we really wanted to add to the forum, however we received a number of complaints with the old system, as it was being abused by people posing as other users. There was also a fair amount of bad language and rudeness, which is not something we will tolerate.


Just one thing, everytime you post something, it automatically changes the message order, it's a bit annoying. Apart from that, the site is looking good. Has a very good user interface apart from the front page where I thought I had to click on the little boxes to get to the right forum, rather than the wording (guess who recently did a HCI course?).


Thanks for your comments H. The reason it changes the order to most recent messages at the top when you post is so you can instantly see your newly posted message displayed on the site. The alternative is to page through the forum topic, and if there are many posts, you would have to scroll through loads of pages, and that would be more annoying. The little boxes on the main page now work by the way!


I thought we were supposed to click on the boxes too! And I'm slowly getting used to the 'wrong' order - everytime something is moved in the bathroom it takes me about a week to get used to it!


Now I have to be DJWickid without a space!!


Also, now you know who I am. Scary ...


But otherwise liking it!


Oh yeah someone has to be! Still undecided about this new "improved" site (I like old site apart from 100 word limit!)

It will take some getting used and I don't seem to have as much free time anymore! My weeks are rapidly filling up!!


findaphd team, you mentioned that you changed the forum because people complained about the old system. I complained, and suggested putting user names in place as people posed as me, which isn't nice. Anyway, since I suggested it, do I get royalty payments for my idea???