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The Rocky Road for History PhD's


Sobering reading for those in the history field (and probably relevant to those in other humanities)

I'm currently working on creating a exit strategy for teaching secondary school level in autumn 2010 as a professional backup plan to allow myself a year of potentially fruitless job applications. Cheery topic I know, but after a couple of dead end job aps and talking to postdocs and junior research fellows at my institute I'm getting a bleak picture of the job market even after one, with hope, gets a postdoc.


May be a bit premature to rule yourself out for a year based on a 'couple' of failed applications. The cream will rise to the top. If you've enough faith in yourself as a good historian you'll convince others. Preparing an exit strategy seems pragmatic yet slightly defeatist. Your topic, however, can sometimes be a ball and chain if it is not one of the 'sexy' subjects. Have you published, or delivered at conferences at all during your three years?


Hi, yeah, I totally agree with the defeatist comment - I had a complete mood change this week towards feeling more positive and hopeful after weeks of the reverse, and decided to not apply for the exit strategy because it wasn't what I wanted and was ridiculously defeatist this early. I have three publications, and will have 4 by the autumn next year. I wasn't feeling to bright when I wrote that post, I had just been refused from a postdoc, in the light of a different day I feel more positive. I wouldn't say my topic is super-sexy, but it certainly isn't dull!!