Well, after 6 weeks of hysterical crying fits, cronic insomnia and hours and hours of revising / thesis reading I passed my viva with minor corrections on Friday.
After reading some of the horror stories on here I was expecting my viva to last 2.5 hours minumum.
As it is, I get in there and get told that actually the external doesn't want to see my 15 minute presentation... ok, so I shut my laptop..
He completely skipped most of my contributions, didn't even *mention* chapter 5 - the in depth chapter with all my underlying theories and spends most of his time asking me to define what I think things are.. he kept looking at his watch and after 50 mins he said ' I'm done'... so my internal took over (she had pages of questions) however as she worked out the external needed to be somewhere she asked me 3 hardish questions..
I went into my 2nd supervisors office who thought there was something wrong... 55 mins mine took... I suppose I am just feeling slightly like a fraud.. all these people get grillings and I got nothing like that! Anyone else had a weird viva experience?
All it really means is that they liked it enough not to need to grill you! I've heard of quite a few of these although the shortest was 1:30 - during which the external spent a lot of time talking about his Labrador dogs - he reckoned only 45 mins contributed to the actual viva
Conversley we recently had one last 8 hours! real page by page stuff! nasty!
no need to feel like a fraud - you've passed - well done!
Congrats, PC! very well done!
Your thesis must have been exceptionally well written, I know someone who's wiva was only 50 mins long, he was given optional corrections!
Enjoy being a Dr.
LOL... 'No corrections', I wish! I was told it was on the edge of being minor / major as I have another chapter to write and about 200 smaller corrections e.g. typos (some of which I have already found and done) I also have 2 short sections to write in my literature review so nope, I certainly have more work to do
It still hasn't sunk in yet - all my work colleagues, family and friends are being lovely and saying 'congrats'... I'm still in shell shock... I think the 'problem' is having this huge expectation as to what it should be like and it being totally different to what I imagined!
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