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things i am hating at the moment


Expectation Maximisation *grr*


PhD "The Musical" or PhD "On Ice". I am thinking that perhaps you could gets some serious commercial millage from your thesis. Michael Ball & Bonnie Langford to star as 'The Supervisors' & a Hollywood name over for a stint in the west-end to play yourself!


Expectation Maximisation could be a big tap number.


Don't you mean "EM I got algo rhythm, who could ask for anything more?"

Via Las Viva.

It also fits with the music from Sir Cliff's obnoxious rendition of 'Congratulations.....', (I can't get it out if my head now)!


em is a piece of cake for standard problems like ML estimation of mixture densities. but i got a bitch of a problem at the mo ...


i've lost the will to work today


it's pissing me off. i am really close to a break thru but i just cant quite get it ... grr


You can fit a 9-beat riff to "ex-pec-ta-tion max-i-mi-sa-tion" (I've just tried it - I love tap dancing! )


I'm excited 'cos I love modelling almost as much as tap dancing!!

Hmmm...Gib-son-and-Bruck's-Next-Re-ac-tion-Meth-od...ok...I think a five beat cramp roll followed by a shuffle ball change and ending with a stamp would do it