How on earth do you end a PhD? All I have left to do is write a final paragraph to draw this to a close, get word to make the contents page, then I can print and bind this thing. But I just can't seem to write it.
The other theses I've looked at have a final paragraph summarising the thesis. But I feel I've kinda already done this. My Supervisor thinks I should go down a 'life, the universe and everything' route, talking about what I've learnt, how wonderful I am, how I am passionate about research or something like that. This doesn't seem quite right either. I feel I'm writing a statement for a job application!
He's put some chiched statements in the margin like "raised as many questions as its answered" and "highlights the power and limitations of......." .. except I kinda feel I've more highlighted the limitations than the power!
i wish I'd spent the last four years searching for a perfect quote to finish up on. Sadly I didn't. Any tips would be gratefully received. I have to get this done first thing tommorrow.. eeek!