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This one might make more sense to biologists...


Hello boys and girls, just felt the need to share,

I woke up at 4am this morning from a dream in which i was sitting in the lab counting test tubes. I couldn't get back to sleep because i was mentally doing the calculations for my PCR later today and i haven't been back to sleep yet. Think I'm beginning to crack...


That happens to me all the time! I regularly wake up in the night finding myself running through results, experiments etc and unable to then get back to sleep! I'm only 7 months in, so who knows what it will be like in more months/years (if, of course, I make it that far!!!)


Ya happens to me to I often dream about signaling pathways and how they are interconnected I think this is very common for life scientists as the majoriyt of us love what we do.


You are not alone here.. I am often thinking about my experiments.. Even when I take some time out to relax I get various aspects of my calculations, protocols, optimisations and the like creepign into my mind!

I think I cracked along time ago!


I once dreamt that I was in the tissue culture lab, waiting for a hood to become free.

For some reason I was wearing my pyjamas....