i attended my universities (non-compulsory) time management course for postgrads a couple of weeks ago. Ironically, it was a complete waste of time! they made us fill in a timetable of what we had been doing in every half hour time slot for the last week to highlight when we worked best/were most productive etc, which wasn't much use as I already know I am pretty much useless until around 10.30am! we then had to fill in a 'personality' questionaire, and on the basis of that they split us into 2 groups (the planners and the non-planners apparently), and as a group we had to discuss what we felt were our main reasons for wanting to manage our time better. unsurprisingly, both groups came to pretty much the same conclusions: too much work, too little play. great, complete waste of my morning, i could have told them that within 5 minutes and spent the morning doing something more productive instead!