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Transfer Reports size


How many pages should a transfer report be?


Mine has to be between 5000 and 10,000 words - not sure how that translates into pages though.


in pages?


Ahem. "I'm not sure how that translates into pages".


my supervisor said that:
"there is no page limit but "concise" and "precise" and "technically correct" are the keys" !!!!!!


That's odd. Where I am we have regulations as to the size of the report. I think that makes it easier; otherwise you would probably not know when to stop. I'm finding it very helpful to read transfer reports from previous students.


I think ours are 12000, but mine went up to 18000 because I had some early data to analyse. So I think you can run over if you can justify it.


Mine should be no more than 6000 words / 20 pages (but thats without figures and references)

I'm in science - don't know if that makes a difference or not


ours should be 3 more-or-less definite chapters (one of which must be "substantial" eg reflect original data) plus outlines of all other chapters. no word limit, but if the full thesis should be 75'000-100'000 words and would comprise, say, 7 chapters, then the report would be 30'000 words upwards.

i find that if i use font 11, arial, or if i use font 12, times, i get about 1000 words on two pages, so that would make 30'000 words ~60 pages. that's without any charts or tables.


Mine is very flexible, in fact I'm nearly a year in and haven't been asked to do it yet so I think the hand in date is flexible too! Some people in my lab did a mini thesis, others did a couple of pages which outlined what they had done already. It all depends on the uni, in mine it's just classed as a formality and my supe pretty much just ticks a box to say I can upgrade.


I'm more worried about my trasnfer viva - my friend had hers yesterday and it took 2 and a half hours..


Mine will be a chapter of around 10,000 words, a literature review and an extended bibliography (secondary and primary material)

Wish me luck...due mid September.


Ours is between 9000 and 14500 words (50 - 80 pages, double spaced) not including figures, tables, refs etc. It just depends on your uni and their criteria though so follow your supervisors advice, also it is useful to see if you can read some of the previous students reports to give you an idea of what is accepted. Good luck!


Two separate approx.4000 word pieces - one and one research strategy.


Ours has to be 30 pages absolute maximum, with very clear guidelines on the areas that should be addressed (rather than conventional intro, methods, data etc.)