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* Warning- not for faint hearted*

I've just been physically sick because I was nervous about sending chapters to my second supervisor. This is not normal is it?! I'm pretty sure that's what it was... I've been feeling horribly anxious all day for no real reason and after I threw up I went straight back to the office and sent them off so I wouldn't have to worry about it any more. Feeling calmer now...


Keep Calm. Breeeeaaath. I get so worked up about things like this, at times I have been known to be physically sick as well. I'm sure it's not exactly NORMAL but it happens to me too. It's horrible when you get this anxious about something but it's probably just because you've worked hard and really want it to go well. I am sure it will. Congrats for sending them off, now go home and try to chill out a bit. M,x


Thank you Maria, I really needed to hear that, feeling like a total freak right now. The chapters weren't even a big deal, I'm nowhere near final submission yet! Meant to be going to see a boy I've been attempting to date tonight, it's the first time in 2 weeks we've had time and now I'm thinking I'll probably just have to go home.



2 words: Rescue Remedy! It's amazing, I tend to get a bit physically ill at the thought of something scary, like talks, sending chapters, funding applications etc and it works a treat :-) and don't cancel your date, it could be just what you need to help you relax properly! good luck for your chapters, I'm sure they'll be grand!


Rescue remedy is the cheese! Often feel like this myself. we just get so focused on something that it feels like the end of the world if it's not perfect. Cue major stress. I've had this happen when trying to get myself to ask a question in a seminar once. Didn't even get as far as asking the question, had to head for the bathroom. Nerves are mad.


Thanks for your replies eeryone but it turns out that wasn't the reason I was sick! I've got some kind of virus and spent all night with aches and more of the same. The nerves were pretty intense though so it can't have helped. Have had to ring in sick for teaching. Day under the duvet will hopefully see me fine.


aw! well that's sort of reassuring? hope you feel better soon. Enjoy the duvet time as best you can.